Farm Guesthouse

Farm Guesthouse
Category: Extension, Residential
Client: Private
Year: 2018
Status: Concept Design
Area: 500 m2
Location: Izery Mountains, Poland
Renderings: Sebastian Grochowski

Entrance View
Guesthouse project in Izery Mountains involves conversion and expansion of existing farm houses in order to create group of buildings serving as a private house with several rooms for rent, garden pavilion, alpaca farming and service building with garage, creating multifunctional habitat for owners and guests. It was important to keep the character and form of local homesteads in urban scale with use of traditional materials and motives but with contemporary expression at the same time.

Garden View
Designed composition respects location of original buildings as well as shape and arrangement of their gable roofs. Due to new functional disposition of buildings their sizes had to be modified. However in order to keep the scale of current forms the main house was composed out of two smaller parts shifted in relation to each other what also allowed zoning of private and public spaces. Open timber garden pavilion was designed on the southern side posing as a counterbalance to the service building located by the north-oriented entry zone. All buildings keep the same 8 meters width and are covered with symmetrical roofs with the same 30° angle.
Entry zone was designed as a recycled stone square with several stone benches and lots of wild greenery in-between, connecting all buildings and changing into theirs foundations smoothly.

Concept Diagram
Centrally placed house was designed where old barn has stood, enlarged on the western side. It is a one-floor building with attic and small cellar. Ground floor consists mainly of owners’ apartment complemented with large open common room for all guests with lounge and dining zones. Attic was filled by five comfortable rooms with bathrooms, each one with different plot view. In addition there is a small kitchenette and sauna in the attic as well.
Buildings are designed in ceramic masonry finished with traditional light-grey plaster. Visible timber frames by all windows, different in sizes and with characteristic cross braced structure are locally recognisable, decorative patterns that also reuse recycled timber elements from existing architecture.

Urban Scheme

Situation Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Model Photo